
The young mind is thirsty for new experiences, to be challenged and to be engaged. We empower children by their learning, not only to facilitate the acquisition of skills and concepts but the process of developing a positive self-image, and inculcate positive attitudes towards learning. Here are some of the curriculum in the programme.

Playgroup 豆豆班

(18months to 30 months)















A literature-based curriculum which uses quality big books to help children at this age group acquire the Chinese Language in a fun, interactive and meaningful way.  Activities are extended from the story in the big book to engage children in their learning.

Highlights of the Curriculum

  • Big books with large font size and colourful illustrations are used
  • Children build up their language skills as they listen to stories being read aloud and invited to recite “finger play rhymes”.
  • Cookery lessons based on the story are conducted for children to learn independence and to taste the food that they make.
  • Children are engaged in different physical movement, balance and music activities to develop their gross motor skills.
  • Their fine motor skills are refined through everyday activities like holding a spoon to self-feed themselves during meal times and using sponge brush for art and craft work.

The playgroup curriculum also employs the 3Rs (Respectful, Responsive, Reciprocal) when teachers interact with the playgroup children.  Each child is treated like worthy people with respect.  Teachers being sensitive to the child’s needs and responsive to the child’s cues, and facial and body gestures.

Teachers applying the 3Rs and building trusting relationships with the playgroup children in the daily curriculum will nurture them into confident, secured and valued individuals, which prepares them for the next stage of their learning – the Nursery stage.

Nursery 幼儿班

(Child turns 3 or 4 years old)

幼儿班课程(3 – 4 岁)












NURSERY 1 and 2 

Varied hands-on learning experiences are provided to help children at this age group  to acquire the knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary for the next stage of  learning – Kindergarten. 

Language and Literacy skills 

  • Listen to stories and rhymes being read aloud build up their knowledge of how  words are put together to form sentences. 
  • Inviting children to share and talk about their personal experiences such as their  favourite food and the activities they engaged with their family members. Taking turns to recount their personal experiences also build their confidence to  speak and express themselves. 
  • Learning the individual letter sounds through Jolly phonics songs and actions lay the foundation for the next stage of phonics learning. 
  • Readers are written by experienced authors. The colourful illustrations, rhyming  and repetitive nature of the text engaged children in their reading. 


  • Using a Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach to help children acquire  numeracy concepts. 
  • The use of varied manipulatives and everyday objects enable children to construct  their own understanding about numeracy concepts at their own pace. Rhymes and songs are incorporated into the lessons to help children learn about  numbers with ease. 
  • Questions are asked on the stories (Big Books) used in the programme to highlight  the numeracy concepts that lead children to relate such concepts to their daily  experiences. 

• Using interesting games that make the learning of numeracy fun and also help  children at this age group to practise acquired skills and concepts.

Kindergarten 幼稚班

(Child turns 5 or 6 years old)

幼稚班课程(5 – 6 岁)













When children arrive at the Kindergarten stage, they will have already acquired basic  knowledge about language and numeracy. 

Language and Literacy skills 

  • With the knowledge on letters of the alphabet and their individual sounds learnt  from Nursery 2, they will move on to the next stage of blending and segmenting  through identifying the sounds in words and games. 
  • Children are encouraged to interact with each other and among their friends and  teachers to build up their confidence to speak in front of a group of audience. Readers are written by experienced authors. The theme-based readers exposed  children to more high frequency words, how they are used and knowledge of the  world through the text and illustrations in the readers. 
  • Writing opportunities are integrated into the curriculum to allow children to form simple sentences with words provided and then progressively to creative writing  of their own choice and also teacher’s given topics. 


  • Learning experiences are planned to help children move between the phases of  concrete, pictorial and abstract (CPA). 
  • Language is also purposefully integrated to help them use mathematical language  and vocabulary to talk about numeracy concepts. 
  • Children are very much encouraged to verbalise and explain how they arrive at a  mathematical problem solution. 

• Numeracy topics such as money and time are integrated into the learning to help  them build knowledge and skills necessary when they attend primary school. • The use of concrete things and everyday objects in hands-on experiences so that  children can see the relevance of numeracy to the world in which they live in.

In-curriculum Enrichment Programmes


Kindermusik is dedicated to using the power of music to help children grow during the years most critical to brain development. Kindermusik is designed to connect with every child’s unique learning style. Classroom teachers become an extension of Kindermusik as they lead children through playful, interactive, and developmentally appropriate music and movement activities.


GymKidz is a physical development programme for children from as young as 8 months to 8 years old. The programme provides the positive opportunities and the caring and loving environment for children to develop their MIND, BODY and CHARACTER from a young age. GymKidz is specifically designed to help successfully meet the Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social (P.I.E.S.) needs and aspirations of pre-school children thereby enhancing positive personality traits of SELF-CONFIDENCE, SELF-DISCIPLINE, SELF-AWARENESS and SELF-ESTEEM which are necessary to prepare the child for the challenges of the future.